Yesterday, in the middle of the joy and excitement of the Supreme Court's announcement, two friends I've known forever and for whom I care deeply, each shared that it was just beginning to sink in that after 26 years of loving and living together -- 26 years of marriage -- they were finally being recognized as married. For several of those 26 years their marriage has been recognized as legal -- but not in the state in which they live. Now they are "legal" even at home. Now - finally -- if one of them should be hospitalized, the other is her recognized and entirely legal "next of kin" -- the one who would have a say in her care.
This is something those of us in hetero marriages take so for granted, and yet it has been routinely denied to so many committed, loving couples, causing untold grief over the years.
This is what yesterday's ruling was all about -- treating people as we would hope to be treated ourselves. It wasn't about cherry-picking a handful of words from Leviticus (while ignoring all the rest of the words that might be inconvenient for us personally). It wasn't about hysterical rants on television about how we're going to hell in a handbasket. It was about people - real living flesh and blood people, who are God's beloved children -- just as we all are. It was about paying more attention to what Jesus actually said than to some purity code from 3000 years ago.
I personally rejoice with all my LGBTQ friends in 'every' state and the Church of the Open Door also rejoices and welcomes another huge step forward in the struggle for justice for everyone. We recognize that we still have far to go in achieving equality for all in this country. We grieve especially this week with those who suffer most directly as a result of the sin of racism, and at the same time we rejoice at this one huge step forward which has just occurred.
We are an Open and Affirming Church, and all of God's people are welcome here. In the words of one of my favorite writers, John Shea, "here there is a feast for all who are willing to feast with all."
May God bless and heal us all. Love Wins -- sometimes immediately, sometimes after long, long years of waiting and suffering -- but eventually, inevitably, Love wins -- because this is God's will for the world.
Love, Cherie