I arrived back home to the news of Governor Newsom’s announcement that ALL group meetings should be canceled and ALL people over 60, especially those with health issues, should self-quarantine (basically, “stay home.”)
Because of this I am making a command decision that we are canceling in-person church services for the duration. As I understand it, this is a preventative measure, in that the fewer people who are out and about to be exposed, the fewer cases there will be in the long run.
This may feel like an over-reaction, but if it results in fewer deaths or serious illnesses, it seems like a worthy enough inconvenience. There is a meme going around facebook that says something like: In the 1940’s our parents were called to go to war to fight a crisis. This time we’re being asked to stay home and sit on the couch. We can do this!”
Yesterday I mentioned a back-up plan for a weekly newsletter to help us stay connected if it came to this. Expect a phone call from me toward the end of the week to check-in. In the meantime, stay in touch with others, don’t panic, and remember you are a child of God’s enduring love.
I’ll miss seeing each of you, but we will get through this. Please stay home and stay well and pray for each other.
I love you, Cherie